In the context of product innovation, the environmental dimension takes a new dimension and can not be separated from other product requirements which make it competitive. Many tools are available but not widely used by companies. In the present work we have adopted an approach using a qualitative evaluation matrix including parameters related to the ease of use of the product related to the organizational preparation for the appropriation of an eco-design approach, in addition to the standard factors of eco-efficiency. In order to help the designer to make a decision, an adapted TRIZ method is proposed (Téoria Rechénia Izobrétatelskikh Zadatch or theory of inventive problem solving). The applicability of this method is justified by the many contradictions in the choices in a study of the life cycle and can help designers and companies to choose an approach to attain a satisfying level of eco-design for the resources invested in it. An application, based on inventive principles, will be adapted and completed.This matrix can help the designer to reduce the scope of his creative investigations. Verification of the results was made by application to various situations of patents published in eco-design and monitoring of student teams that meet the challenges presented during the competition “24 Hours of innovation.”