Bering and Chukchi Seas and winter breeding and calving lagoons in the west coast of Baja
California, Mexico. On February 12, 2017, three adult gray whales were sighted at San José
del Cabo, Mexico, in which one individual, named “María,” was tagged using a satellite
telemetry transmitter (PTT). The PTT stopped the signal on July 11, 2017. María traveled
11,387 km during 149 days from San José del Cabo to the Chirikov Basin. The migration …
Eastern gray whales undertake annual migrations between summer feeding grounds in the
Bering and Chukchi Seas and winter breeding and calving lagoons in the west coast of Baja
California, Mexico. On February 12, 2017, three adult gray whales were sighted at San José
del Cabo, Mexico, in which one individual, named “María,” was tagged using a satellite
telemetry transmitter (PTT). The PTT stopped the signal on July 11, 2017. María traveled
11,387 km during 149 days from San José del Cabo to the Chirikov Basin. The migration …