Diminuarea dezastrelor este un domeniu ce cuprinde tóate actiunile, tóate masurile ce pot fi luate avand scopul de a reduce impactul unui dezastru inainte ca acesia sa se intample, inclusiv pregatirea si luarea masurilor de reducere a riscului pe termen lung. Include atat planifícarea si implementarea masurilor de reducere a riscului, asocíate cu hazarde naturale sau antropice, cat si procesul de planificare pentru masuri imediate ce pot fi luate in cazul aparitiei unui dezastru. Scopul general este acela de a sublinia conceptele de baza ale atenuara dezastrelor si de a discuta sirul actiunilor de diminuare care pot fi considerate un raspuns la varietatea de hazarde naturale si antropice ce se pot ivi. Lucrarea prezinta conceptul de atentuare si face o scurta trecere in revista a anumitor hazarde care necesita o atentie sporita, descriind natura lor, consecintele pe care le pot avea si actiuni de diminuare a riscurilor in cazul fiecaruia.
Abstract: Disaster mitigation refers to all actions that have the purpose of reducing the impact of a disaster that can be taken prior to its occurrence, including preparedness and long-term risk reduction measures. It includes both the planning and implementation of measures to reduce the risks associated with known natural and humanmade hazards, and the process of planning for effective response to disasters which do occur. The general purpose is to outline the disaster mitigation concepts and to discuss the range of mitigation actions which can be considered as a response to the variety of natural and human-mad hazards which may be encountered. The paper debates the concept of mitigation and briefly surveys the range of hazards which may need to be considered, describing their nature, consequences and some of the mitigation actions specific to each.