This paper introduces a new software model and new tools for managing indoor smart environments (smart home, smart building , smart factories, etc.) thanks to MR technologies. Our fully-integrated solution is mainly based on a software modelization of connected objects used to manage them independently from their actual nature: these objects can be simulated or real. Based on this model our goal is to create a continuum between a real smart environment and its 3D digital twin in order to simulate and manipulate it. Therefore, two kinds of tools are introduced to leverage this model. First, we introduce two complementary tools, an AR and a VR one, for the creation of the digital twin of a given smart environment. Secondly, we propose 3D interactions and dedicated metaphors for the creation of automation scenarios in the same VR application. These scenarios are then converted to a Petri-net based model that can be edited later by expert users. Adjusting the parameters of our model allows to navigate on the continuum in order to use the digital twin for simulation, deployment and real/virtual synchronization purposes. These different contributions and their benefits are illustrated thanks to the automation configuration of a room in our lab.