We develop CIATA, a combined inversion-and-thinning approach for modeling a nonstationary non-Poisson process (NNPP), where the target arrival process is described by a given rate function and its associated mean-value function together with a given asymptotic variance-to-mean (dispersion) ratio. CIATA is based on the following: (i) a piecewise-constant majorizing rate function that closely approximates the given rate function from above; (ii) the associated piecewise-linear majorizing mean-value function; and (iii) an equilibrium renewal process (ERP) whose noninitial interrenewal times have mean 1 and variance equal to the given dispersion ratio. Transforming the ERP by the inverse of the majorizing mean-value function yields a majorizing NNPP whose arrival epochs are then thinned to deliver an NNPP having the specified properties. CIATA-Ph is a simulation algorithm that implements this approach based on an ERP whose noninitial interrenewal times have a phase-type distribution. Supporting theorems establish that CIATA-Ph can generate an NNPP having the desired mean-value function and asymptotic dispersion ratio. Extensive simulation experiments substantiated the effectiveness of CIATA-Ph with various rate functions and dispersion ratios. In all cases, we found approximate convergence of the dispersion ratio to its asymptotic value beyond a relatively short warm-up period.
The online supplement is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.2018.0828.