Radiology plays a very important part in the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of children. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging are the two most crucial developments in the modern era. However, the two modalities have their challenges to overcome. Radiation dose is the most unwanted side effect of computed tomography scans while longer scan time along with sedation is a major disadvantage in children during magnetic resonance imaging. Paediatric-specific protocol selection and limiting the exposure to the area of interest aid in reducing the dose during computed tomography scans. Faster scan protocols and sequences can result in imaging without sedation in magnetic resonance imaging. Considering the radiation exposure," as low as reasonably achievable" principle should be followed strictly in the paediatric population. In this article, possible ways for minimising the radiation dose in computed tomography, as well as effective, short, and sedation-free magnetic resonance imaging, are discussed.