Due to the challenges associated with using crude oil-derived phenolic-or thermoplastics-based materials, agro-based composites have been used as alternative abrasive grains for abrasive tool manufacturing. This paper examines the morphology and physico-mechanical properties of resin-bonded palm kernel shell (PKS) and coconut shell (CNS) grain-based sandpaper composites and their wear performance. The PKS and CNS were collected, pulverised and screened into 250 and 500 μm grainsizes and mixed at ratios of 1: 1, 1: 2 and 2: 1, respectively. Methyl-ethyl-ketone-peroxide and cobalt naphthalene of 1.5 wt.% each were utilised as hardener and catalyst, respectively for proper bonding of the aggregates with unsaturated polyester resin of compositions 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 wt.%, respectively. To produce the sandpaper samples, the aggregates were compacted at a pressure of 15 MPa and the samples were cured and their morphology, mechanical, and wear properties were investigated. The shatter index, hardness, and compressive strength varied from 66.36% to 95.76%, 6.52 to 11.3 HRB, and 4.41 to 7.24 MPa, respectively. The wear resistance varied from 0.94 to 1.54 mg/m at 50 o C, and 1.02 to 2.09 mg/m at 150 o C. The properties of the aggregates made from PKS and CNS were found to have much influence on the performance parameters of sandpaper composites.