The connectivity of the Peat Hydrological Unit (PHU) management through the development of multi-business based-on agroforestry landscapes has not been widely studied. Synergism in the development of PHU connectivity can be done through the determination of superior commodities in each physiography. The superior product per physiography in the PHU is an integrated cluster both vertical and horizontal value chain. This is known as a Porterian cluster. This study aims to build the concept of PHU connectivity through the development of multi-businesses based on agroforestry landscapes. The research was conducted in Tumbang Nusa Village. The study showed that natural and physical capitals in all categories of villagers of Tumbang Nusa Village are categorized as high and very high, respectively, while the availability of human capital in all categories is low. The availability of financial capital for the villagers of Tumbang Nusa Village in Category I is high, moderate for categories II and III, and low for categories IV and V. The availability of social capital for citizens in all categories is high. An important source of livelihood for the households of the villagers of Tumbang Nusa Village is natural capital, financial capital and social capital which comes in various forms. The contribution of agroforestry to the total income of farmer households ranges from 22.81%-79.80%. The adaptation strategy that is mostly carried out by households in all levels of welfare categories is the economic adaptation strategy.