All ASEAN countries interact to exchange goods, services and professional manpower in the 2015. This phenomenon is interestingly perceived and traced using hermeneutic analysis in order to get the unique characteristics that occur. Inter subjective circuit occurs with high frequency among people in the ASEAN Community. This study aims to map the Bina Nusantara University students’ perceptions to the ASEAN Community. This study found the main challenges of ASEAN Community for Indonesia according to student’s perceptions of Bina Nusantara University. The government and educational institutions in Indonesia should wary of this phenomenon. The main recommendation of this study is that multicultural education is a must in Indonesia as a basic aspect to prepare Indonesian students to enter the ASEAN Community. This study used the qualitative methods, in-depth interviews and literature study from various relevant sources. The data analysis technique applied a hermeneutic analysis on the ASEAN Community as an object of the research. The subject research was conducted on 15 professional working students who were studying in online classes at Bina Nusantara University. The construction of thought of ASEAN Community is very important for Indonesian university students. It is useful information to prepare them to have an adequacy understanding to face the current wave of ASEAN Community in 2015s.