In this work, an original method of obtaining biomorphic composites of the Me–MeC x type, consisting of several stages, has been proposed. One of the steps is the Infiltration through Nonreactive Solvent (INS) method, which consists in converting biomorphic carbon preforms into porous microchannel MeC x ceramics by transferring a carbide-forming element to carbon through a solvent that does not react with carbon. The interaction of biomorphic alder-based carbon templates with melts of Cu–Ti and Sn–Ti systems has been investigated. It has been shown that as a result of the interaction of biocarbon templates with Cu-10Ti and Cu-20Ti alloys, carbon walls turn into TiC grains of micron and nanometer sizes, which partially repeat the template microstructure. The mechanism of formation of such a structure has been proposed. It has been demonstrated that, upon the interaction with Sn–Ti system, TiC and Ti 2 SnC layers are formed on the surface of the microchannels with good preservation of the initial template structure.