The aim of the work was a comparative study of oil characteristics and nutritional composition of seeds of two local varieties of ridge gourd collected from different districts of Bangladesh: Prince ridge gourd (PRG) and Hercules ridge gourd (HRG). Most of the physicochemical characteristics reported herein, of the seed oils of both varieties were significantly (p < 0.05) affected by sampling locations. Acylglycerol classes were estimated to be monoacylglycerols (1.6-1.9% in PRG and 1.4-1.6% in HRG), diacylglycerols (4.0-4.6% in PRG and 2.6-3.0% in HRG) and triacylglycerols (84.6-86.7% in PRG and 86.7-88.3% in HRG) whereas lipid classes to be neutral lipids (92.5-94.2% in PRG and 91.7-94.9% in HRG), glycolipids (2.8-3.2% in PRG and 2.5-3.9% in HRG) and phospholipids (1.9-2.4% in PRG and 1.2-2.6% in HRG). Glyceride and lipid compositions of PRG seed oil did not show any significant difference (p < 0.05) between the two samples of Rajshahi and Dinajpur districts. HRG samples had similar values for diacylglycerol contents. GLC analysis showed the presence of only four fatty acids from series C16:0 to C18:2. Linoleic acid was the major ranging from 49.5% to 51.0% in PRG and 48.6% to 49.2% in HRG. Both varieties contained considerable amounts of lipid (26.8-28.2% in PRG and 23.2-25.4% in HRG), protein (20.8-23.1% in PRG and 25.9-26.8% in HRG) and other essential nutrients. Most of the nutrient contents in PRG samples differed significantly (p < 0.05) than those found in HRG samples. Nutrient information reported herein illustrates the benefits to public health for those, who consume this plant fruit.