We have studied the deletion of inverted repeats cloned into the EcoRI site within the CAT gene of plasmid pBR325. A cloned inverted repeat constitutes a palindrome that includes both EcoRI sites flanking the insert. In addition, the two EcoRI sites represent direct repeats flanking a region of palindromic symmetry. A current model for deletion between direct repeats involves the formation of DNA secondary structure which may stabilize the misalignment between the direct repeats during DNA replication. Our results are consistent with this model. We have analyzed deletion frequencies for several series of inverted repeats, ranging from 42 to 106 bp, that were designed to form cruciforms at low temperatures and at low superhelical densities. We demonstrate that length, thermal stability of base pairing in the hairpin stem, and ease of cruciform formation affect the frequency of deletion. In general, longer palindromes are less stable than shorter ones. The deletion frequency may be dependent on the thermal stability of base pairing involving approximately 16-20 bp from the base of the hairpin stem. The formation of cruciforms in vivo leads to a significant increase in the deletion frequency. A kinetic model is presented to describe the relationship between the physical-chemical properties of DNA structure and the deletion of inverted repeats in living cells.