Surface-micromachined actuators made in multi-user MEMS processes (MUMPs) have been operated underwater without modifying the manufacturing process. Such actuators have generally been either electro-thermally or electro-statically actuated and both actuator styles are tested here for suitability underwater. This is believed to be the first time that thermal and electrostatic actuators have been compared for deflection underwater relative to air performance. A high-frequency ac square wave is used to replicate a dc-driven actuator output without the associated problem of electrolysis in water. This method of ac activation, with frequencies far above the mechanical resonance frequencies of the MEMS actuators, has been termed root mean square (RMS) operation. Both thermal and electrostatic actuators have been tested and proved to work using RMS control. Underwater performance has been evaluated by using in-air operation of these actuators as a benchmark. When comparing deflection per volt applied, thermal actuators operate between 5 and 9% of in-air deflection and electrostatic actuators show an improvement in force per volt applied of upwards of 6000%. These results agree with predictions based on the physical properties of the surrounding medium.