One of the key elements in lowering the electric field intensity (EFI) on the creepage distance of composite insulators is the usage of the corona ring and its ideal design. First, using the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the 3D COMSOL Multiphysics program, this paper investigated and calculated the changes in the EFI of the creepage distance of the 230-kV composite insulator with and without taking into account the effects of the corona ring, tower structure, conductor, hardware, and mutual phases. Next, the ideal goal function is chosen in order to minimize the insulator creepage distance's maximal EFI. Nelder-Mead (NM) and Bound Optimization by Quadratic Approximation (BOBYQA), two optimization techniques, are used for the best design of corona ring parameters on the 230 kV insulator. Finally, the diameter, thickness, and installation position of the ideal corona ring are determined using the suggested methodologies and different restrictions. The obtained results demonstrate that, in contrast to previous studies that have only focused on a few of the aforementioned constraints, taking into account the tower structure, conductor, hardware, and mutual phases will have a significant impact on the distribution of the EFI on the insulator creepage distance.