This research aims to determine cultivation technique of orchid by the community in around Mallawa Resort at Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park. The type of the research is a descriptive research. This studying was conducted in four villages with 37 total respondents. The method used in this study was observed in the houses of people who become the interviewees, then do an interview about cultivation technique of orchid and documentation by photos. The results showed that there are thr ee kinds of orchid’s growth nature, namely Epifit, Terrestik, and Litofit. Orchid’s growth is dominated by the Epifit orchid’s growth as much as 110 or-chids, whereas for the type of growth is dominated by simpodial orchids. Most communities who maintain or -chids are the people residing in the Tellumpanuae village. The maintained of orchids average until ten years. People obtain orchids from the for est. It is not planted directly, but first, must be stored in moist example near a water bath so that the orchids can grow back fr esh and good. Orchids that have been transplanted into pots usually doused with water that mixed with vetzin (flavor in food) or rice water, because these two compo-nents can make orchids thrive. Of the three parameters appear that Phalaenopsis amabilis is an orchid species that can adapt to various conditions