The expression strategy of parvoviruses of the Densovirus genus has as yet not been reported. Clones were obtained from the densonucleosis virus of Galleria mellonella (GmDNV) that yielded infectious virus upon transfection into LD652 cells. Its genome was found to be the longest (6,039 nucleotides [nt]), with the largest inverted terminal repeats (ITRs) (550 nt) among all parvoviruses. The distal 136 nt could be folded into hairpins with flop or flip sequence orientations. In contrast to vertebrate parvoviruses, the gene cassettes for the nonstructural (NS) and structural (VP) proteins were found on the 5′ halves of the opposite strands. The transcripts for both cassettes started 23 nt downstream of the ITRs. The TATA boxes, as well as all upstream promoter elements, were localized in the ITRs and, therefore, identical for the NS and VP transcripts. These transcripts overlapped for 60 nt at the 3′ ends (antisense RNAs) at 50 m.u. The NS cassette consisted of three genes of which NS2 was contained completely within NS1 but from a different reading frame. Most of the NS transcripts were spliced to remove the upstream NS3, allowing leaky scanning translation of NS1 and NS2, similar to the genes of RNA-6 of influenza B virus. NS3 could be translated from the unspliced transcript. The VP transcript was not spliced and generated four VPs by a leaky scanning mechanism. The 5′-untranslated region of the VP transcript was only 5 nt long. Despite the transcription and translation strategies being radically different from those of vertebrate parvoviruses, the capsid was found to have phospholipase A2 activity, a feature thus far unique for parvoviruses.