Research on mites as intermediate hosts of the tapeworms of the Anoplocephalidae family was encouraged by Stunkard (1937), who discovered that mites are intermediate hosts and vectors for Moniezia expansa tapeworms. This discovery stimulated other researchers to look for other mite hosts. In his review written in 1993, Denegri gathered data available up to 1991 associated with mites acting as intermediate hosts. We extended his list by adding information concerning Oribatida, which participate in the life-cycle of tapeworms of the Anoplocephalidae and Mesocestoididae families. We gathered the Oribatida species that were found to be intermediate hosts by Denegri after 1991 and those that were available but not found in his review. This may be due to the difficulty in obtaining certain articles at that time. We gathered data concerning factors that influence the distribution of oribatid mites, development of cysticercoids in their bodies, and factors that limit the Oribatida species as intermediate hosts.