In this paper, a novel technique for the fault detection, classification & protection of transmission lines is proposed. The proposed system uses different protective equipment's, voltage sense section, microcontroller section, LED display section & GSM (global system for mobile communication) module. The faults like all series (1LO, 2LO, 3LO etc.) & shunt faults (L-G, L-L, L-L-G, L-L-L, L-L-L-G) get detected & classified according to characteristics condition of current & voltage at the occurrence of fault in the three phase overhead lines. The sensed signals are given to microcontroller for detection & classification of faults. Also wireless mobile communication technique i.e. GSM is used simultaneously to send message to responsible person on mobile. Type of fault gets displayed on fault display section. Simultaneously fault gets interrupted using protective devices. (fuse, circuit breakers etc.).