Lampe, Muslim University of Indonesia, Pangkep Regency, South Sulawesi, which took
place from March to September 2019. The study was aimed at analyzing the effect of the
composition of N: P: K on the growth of pepper seedlings, analyzing the effect of the
concentration of Organic Fertilizers Liquid (POC) on the growth of pepper seedlings,
analyzing the interaction between giving the composition of N: P: K and giving POC on the …
N Netty - Jurnal Agrotek, 2020 -
The study was carried out at the Field Laboratory of Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Muslim
Indonesia in Padanglampe, Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi (04o 44'0” S–119o 37'0” E),
which took place from March to September 2019. The study was aimed to (1) analyzing the
influences of inorganic fertilization (NPK), and the concentration of Liquid Organic Fertilizers
(LOF) on the vegetative growth of pepper seedlings, as well as their interaction on the
growth of pepper seedlings;(2) provide recommendations or advice for the propagation of …