In this study we present field relations, petrology, whole-rock major, trace and rare earth element geochemistry, zircon U-Pb ages, whole-rock Sr and Nd isotopes, and *in situ* zircon Hf and O isotopes from the Karwar block, western peninsular India. The rocks consist predominantly of tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG), granite and amphibolite. The felsic rocks are grouped into three: 1. TTG-I characterised by low K~2~O, high Na~2~O and Al~2~O~3~, low Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, slightly enriched HREEs, negative Sr, Eu and Ti anomalies, a 3.2 Ga crystallisation age, and 3.60 Ga and 3.47 Ga inherited zircons; 2. TTG-II with lower SiO~2~, higher Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, stronger REE fractionation with no HREE enrichment, negative Nb and Ta anomalies, a 3.2 Ga crystallisation age, but no inheritance; 3. Granites with high SiO~2~ and K~2~O, low Na~2~O and Al~2~O~3~, very low Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios, weak REE fractionation with enriched REEs, negative Sr, Eu and Ti anomalies and a 2.94 Ga crystallisation age. The TTG-I formed from a mantle source, but with a significant component of older crustal material, whereas the TTG-II originated mostly from a mantle-derived juvenile magma. The granite evolved from an enriched source containing a relatively large amount of older crustal material. The precursors of TTG-I and -II are similar to mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), whereas the granites are similar to volcanic arc/within-plate sources and the amphibolites are remnants of gabbros/basalts. An initial 3.6 Ga crust likely formed by the underplating of an accreted oceanic plateau-like or island arc-like crust. TTG-I was produced by subduction and slab melting at a moderate depth, induced melting of mafic lower crust and older upper crust at 3.2 Ga. TTG-II formed at 3.2 Ga by subduction and with a higher degree of slab melting at a greater depth than TTG-1, together with more effective mixing with mantle peridotite, followed by intrusion and induced melting of mafic lower crust. Basaltic magmatism at 3.0 Ga and subsequent metamorphism to amphibolite resulted in extensive and thicker crust. Assimilation and melting of TTG crust at a shallow depth during the emplacement of a mantle-derived magma produced the 2.94 Ga granites. The presence of inherited zircons, combined with whole-rock major and trace elements, Nd isotopes and *in situ* zircon Hf and O isotopes, indicates that older crustal material was incorporated into the source magma of TTG-I and that the Karwar block originally contained 3.60 to 3.47 Ga crust that was subsequently reworked during the Paleo- and Mesoarchean.