both large and small compared to the prevailing gas mean-free-path. This fact complicates
accurate predictions of, say, total mass deposition rates to confining cold walls or immersed
cooled objects by the mechanism of particle thermophoresis (with Sc⪢ 1)(across laminar—
or turbulent-, forced—or natural—convection boundary layers) since particle thermophoretic
diffusivities can be sensitive to the prevailing Knudsen number based on individual particle …
Smokes or mists of industrial and environmental interest are typically comprised of particles
both large and small compared to the prevailing gas mean-free-path. This fact complicates
accurate predictions of, say, total mass deposition rates to con" ning cold walls or immersed
cooled objects by the mechanism of particle thermophoresis (with Sc< 1)(across laminar* or
turbulent-, forced* or natural* convection boundary layers) since particle thermophoretic di!
usivities can be sensitive to the prevailing Knudsen number based on individual particle …