If toperform'is toproduce'orachieve'1 some intended result, then it is reasonable to assume that most competitive parties would gauge at least part of their performance in votes and seats. Hence, for many students of parties, performance has come to mean electoral performance. However, some participants in party politics may have other than electoral intentions, and hence may employ other (or at least, additional) yardsticks in measuring results. Indeed, it has become commonplace to assign to parties not only electoral but also governmental and policy goals (or strategies), each with its related means of measuring success: votes/seats, cabinet participation, and legislative achievements. 2 Presumably, a given party actor would consider one or more of those dimensions in assessing the party's performance. It is a premise of this essay that for some parties, or at least for some party actors, there is a fourth dimension of performance that is considered to be as (or even more) important: democracy, and specifically internal party democracy.