Bontolebang Village North Galesong District Takalar Regency is one of the areas that became the center of vegetable plant development. The problem facing the vegetable farmer groups is the management of unfriendly farming system. Farmers in managing their farms rely on the use of chemical fertilizers to improve soil fertility, without considering the long-term effects of using chemicals. Besides that, farmers are not skilled to make organic fertilizer from waste crops (rice straw) previously that many are found around the farms. This activity aims to increase knowledge and skills for the farmers in Bontolebang Village, especially Sabar Farmer Group in the management of soil fertility for cultivation which includes counseling of environmentally friendly farming system, making of organic fertilizer from existing crop waste (rice straw) and organic fertilizer application right method, so the growth and production of vegetables can be maximized. The methods used in the implementation of the Community Partnership Program are counseling, training, production assistance, and demonstration plots. The result of this program is the increasing of farmer understanding about farming system which is friendly in environment, the increasing of farmer's skill in making organic fertilizer from rice straw, and increasing of farmer consciousness in the use of organic fertilizer in farming field.