to sugarcane explant growth (Saccharum officinarum, L.) Bululawang varities was
conducted on 2 April until 23 July 2018 at Balai Benih Tanaman Perkebunan Kota Salatiga.
Research methods that were used is factorial arrangement (4× 4) with a completely
randomized block design and five replications as block. First factor, four concentration levels
of NAA (0; 2, 5; 5; and 7, 5 mg/l) and second factor, four concentration levels of sucrose (0; …
A study about the effect of NAA concentrations and sucrose concentrations on in vitro rooting
to sugarcane explant growth (Saccharum officinarum, L.) Bululawang varities was
conducted on 2 April until 23 July 2018 at Balai Benih Tanaman Perkebunan Kota Salatiga.
Research methods that were used is factorial arrangement (4× 4) with a completely
randomized block design and five replications as block. First factor, four concentration levels
of NAA (0; 2, 5; 5; and 7, 5 mg/l) and second factor, four concentration levels of sucrose (0; …