The objective of this research is to find out the different of education mutual between the principal of state junior high school in the Pandeglang regency of Banten province who got democratic leadership style and the got outoriter leadership style with service quality as the moderator variable. This research was conducted in the odd semester in academic year of 2007-2008. It was an ex post facto study with 2 X 2 factorial design. The sample size was 40 principals of state junior high school in the Pandeglang regency of Banten province which were chosen by a proportional random sampling method. The respondents were divided into four groups, each group consisted of 10 respondents. Based on the results of the research, it was concluded that: (1) The education mutual of the state junior high school in the Pandeglang regency of Banten province of principals who got democratic leadership style is higher than the outoriter leadership style. (2) The principals who gave good service quality got higher education mutual than the principals who gave wrost service quality. (3) There was an interaction effect of principal leadership style and service quality towards the education mutual of the state junior high school in the Pandeglang regency of Banten province.