Higher Education can exercise management autonomy, that is to evaluate using an information system independently. The case study taken in this study is the Kalimantan Institute of Technology (ITK). So far, ITK has used a survey information system to evaluate ITK, but the information system is static so that it is not following the current needs of ITK. Based on that, this research is developing an evaluation information system at ITK so that this information system is expected to be able to monitor and evaluate the process of activities at ITK. The method used is the waterfall model. Based on the waterfall method, the methodology used in this research is start from the identification of the problem, then study the literature and enter the system building stage, namely the analysis, design, implementation and testing stages, as well as conclusions and suggestions. The results obtained are in the form of an information system for evaluating academic activities and services that have been approved by ITK on the http://evaluasi. itk. ac. id page.