Skin disease can be suffered by all people and ages as a common disease. In general treatment for people with skin diseases is by consulting to medical experts and asking for a medicine prescription. However, by utilizing current communication technology, sufferers are able to get good information about skin diseases. The expert system for the diagnosis of skin diseases has been done before. However, the expert system is built based on web and desktop, so it is less flexible in use, moreover in supporting self assistance for the skin disease sufferer. Therefore, this study aims to develop an Android-based expert system that can help diagnose skin diseases in humans as well as provide recommendations of generic medicine as first aid. The expert system developed by implementing the Forward Chaining (FC) method as an inference technique. This research was conducted in five phases, namely data collection, analysis system, design system, implementation, and testing. The knowledge base in this expert system includes 39 types of skin diseases, 83 symptoms, 16 types of generic drugs, 150 lines rules of skin disease diagnosis, and 39 lines recommendations of generic drug.