with interactive learning theory to improve the learning outcomes of class X MA Al Huda
Kediri City students.(2) Knowing the effectiveness of Arabic learning media based on
Android to improve the learning outcomes of students in class X MA Al Huda Kota Kediri.
This type of research and development in this study uses the type of Research and
Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, and …
This study aims to determine:(1) how the concept of mufradāt and qawaid learning is in
MuQaw7 application as a medium for learning Arabic in class VII MTs Assalafiyyah Mlangi
Sleman Yogyakarta;(2) how to design the development of Arabic learning media based on
MuQaw7 application for mastering of mufradāt and qawaid grade VII (3) what are the results
of the development and implementation of mufradāt and qawaid learning media in the form
of MuQaw7 application for Grade VII of MTs Assalafiyyah Mlangi Yogyakarta. This research …