The target of water loss as declared in the National Action Plan program for Drinking Water, until the end of 2015, 18% to 20% should not be more than 20%. Realizing the above, it is necessary to have an appropriate method to control the amount of water loss so as not to exceed the normal limit. One of the factors contributing to the high water loss in PDAM Tirta Benteng Kota Tangerang is official unbilled consumption, non-physical water loss and physical water loss. PDAM Tirta Benteng Kota Tangerang is classified as a PDAM which still has a fairly large level of water loss, namely 54, 88% in 2019 (BPKP audit source, 2020) One of the efforts to solve this problem. It is necessary to apply the Water Balance Method and form a main water meter area in the distribution network which aims to minimize the difficulty of handling in the event of a disturbance in the flow system in the distribution network and to make it easier maintenance and reduce the level of losses that occur. One housing that has a very high level of water loss is the Cikokol distribution system.