The development of sulfur-based waterless concrete, also sometimes referred to as lunar concrete (lunar-crete), dates back to the 1980’s and the concept is centered on the approach to using the moons natural resources to develop a colony on the lunar surface. The majority of the research initiatives with regard to the use of lunar-crete have focused on mixture designs and strength properties to ensure structural integrity. The majority of research performed to date have involved the study of strength, density, resistance to radiation, sublimation, and impact resistance. This research investigates the role of permeability as a main transport mechanism in concrete in lunar-crete and other porous materials and are used to determine the rate at which gasses and liquids migrate through semi-permeable materials such as Portland cement concrete or lunar-crete. The investigation of the permeability of lunar-crete is important because it has the potential of affecting the design parameters of lunar structures. Specifically, the thickness of the walls and the transport properties of lunar-crete are especially important when taking into consideration material properties and NASA placement techniques.