Jaboticaba has been studied extensively, mainly in the context of its phenolic composition. Although there are several varieties, research has been concentrated on Sabará and Paulista due to their greater dispersion. This study aimed to characterize five jaboticaba varieties in terms of their anthocyanin and nonanthocyanin phenolic compositions and their antiproliferative action on tumor cells of breast and prostate cancer. The most abundant anthocyanins were cyanidin-3-glycoside and delphinidin-3-glycoside. Three myricitin derivatives, 14 quercetin derivatives (including free quercetin), 13 ellagic acid derivatives (including free ellagic acid) and 4 methylellagic acid derivatives were detected. The variety that showed the best antiproliferative action was Pintada (PFP), which was harvested in the 2015 crop. The phenolic compounds showed differences in different crop years however, samples from both years decreased cellular proliferation.