Agronomy, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamilnadu, India during Thaladi (Sep. to Jan.) and Navarai (Jan. to Apr.) seasons of 2013-14, to standardize the planting geometry for augmenting the growth traits and physiological dynamics of wet spot seeded rice. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design and replicated four times. The medium duration rice variety CO 43 was used as test variety. The experiment consisted of different planting geometry as T1: 25 25 cm, T2: 30 30 cm, and T3: 35 35 cm and T4: 40 40 cm, which were replicated four times. Two years experimental data revealed that planting at 30 30 cm spacing recorded the maximum growth parameters during Thaladi season. Whereas, in Navarai season planting at 25 25 cm registered the maximum growth characters viz., plant height, number of tillers, dry matter production, root length, root volume and physiological characters viz., leaf area index and crop growth rate.