Trachymyrmex is one of the most species-rich genera within fungus-farming ants and presents intraspecific cytogenetic polymorphisms as well as possible cryptic species. This ant genus is currently paraphyletic. Therefore, to unravel systematic and taxonomic misunderstandings, it is necessary to incorporate new information. We aimed to cytogenetically and genetically examine Trachymyrmex holmgreni populations from southern and northern Brazil to identify intraspecific chromosomal variations that support incipient speciation and reveal the species' position in a molecular phylogeny. Our cytogenetic approach did not show population variation in the mapping of both 18S rDNA and the TTAGG(6) motif, presenting instead a pattern characteristic of correlated species. However, the clustered pattern of the microsatellite GA(15) showed significant differences among populations: a well-defined block in each homologue, distinctly irregular signs between homologues, and blocks in 2 pairs of homologues. Our phylogenetic reconstruction yielded unexpected results, grouping representatives of 3 former morphological groups into 1 clade, namely T. urichii, T. papulatus, and T. holmgreni. Previously, it was suggested that northern and southern populations of T. holmgreni may be undergoing incipient speciation, but we can only indicate that the southernmost population differs prominently from the others in its distribution pattern of the microsatellite GA(15). Our study also supports the uniformity of karyotypes and repetitive DNA from both telomeric sequences and ribosomal DNA in Trachymyrmex studied here. In addition, we clarify some phylogenetic uncertainties within the genus and suggest further relevant systematic changes. Finally, additional studies utilizing other probes and additional populations may allow the detection of hidden genetic variation.