This article reports on a case study that investigated possible strategies that can be used to promote the inclusion of learners with visual impairment in Ethiopia. Two Secondary Schools were selected and a qualitative research design was employed. The research participants of the study were the 2 school principals, 4 teachers and 24 learners. Data was generated through one-on-one interviews with teachers and the two principals and focus group discussion with learners. Data gathered were analysed by a constructivist paradigm. The findings show that the strategies that can be used to include learners with visual impairment include accepting diversity by the school community, teachers’ inclusion of the learners in their classrooms and making classroom adaptations such as learning environment and instructional adaptations. In addition, this article has come up with other strategies to include learners with visual impairment including encouraging cooperative learning, peer tutoring, collaborative teaching and consultation like co-teaching and using assistive technologies and materials. However, it is found that teachers are not using the above mentioned inclusive teaching strategies in their classrooms. Last but not least, this article will be a good input for future researches. Researchers can also conduct further studies on the same topic in different contexts.