The Westphalian paradigm has been re-assed, and there have been made new statements by theoreticians about the structure of international system following the Cold War. One of these theoreticians is Richard Rosecrance. Rosecrance claims that the United States of America has been the fundamental regulatory power following the Cold War. However, Russia, Japan and the European Community/Union has been also potential centres of power. Rosecrance has added China to these potential powers. He asserts that it could be formed a central coalition led by the United States of America, comprising of other great powers, and so, the anarchic structure of international system could be controlled by this multi-centric coalition. Although, there has been regionalism trends following the Cold War, this situation has not been an impediment to forge a central coalition in global scale. Such a central coalition should be forged on the basis of co-operation, and incorporate all great powers. The paper analyse the statements of Richard Rosecrance regarding the structure of international system following the Cold War, and stability of the system in his perspective.