This paper exhibits performance of power of photovoltaic (PV) module in the case of shading effect. A comparison is made with performance of power of PV module void of MPPT solution. From the MATLAB simulation it is found that around 9.92% more average power generation is possible if MPPT (maximum power power point) solution is taken. To take the effect of partial shading a variation of irradiance profile has been proposed since change of irradiance causes the variation of output power to a great extent. Again to observe the performance of output power with MPPT Fuzzy logic control has been introduced for making the tracking fast and accurate. Mamdani control has been chosen as a technique for fuzzy controller. On top of this, mathematical structure of PV module has been prepared in MATLAB simulink to see output preview of PV module and this module has been linked to the fuzzy logic system to trace the peak power. In the simulation process the instantaneous power, average power and percentage power development are being analyzed with figures.