Lumajang sand using the precipitation method. The use of this method is based on its
simplicity and can produce large quantities. To increase the synthesis efficiency, nano sand
was used, which was processed using high energy milling (HEM) for 15 hours and sintering
temperature variations of 5000C, 6000C, 7000C, 8000C, and 9000C. The results showed
that the leaching process using 2M HCl could reduce crystal peaks and ball milling for 15 …
Research has been carried out on the synthesis of amorphous silica (SiO2) made from
Lumajang sand using the precipitation method. The use of this method is based on its
simplicity and can produce large quantities. To increase the synthesis efficiency, nano sand
was used, which was processed using high energy milling (HEM) for 15 hours and sintering
temperature variations of 5000C, 6000C, 7000C, 8000C, and 9000C. The results showed
that the leaching process using 2M HCl could reduce crystal peaks and ball milling for 15 …