The Rhodope Domain in NE Greece consists of different tectonometamorphic complexes involved in the Alpine collisional history between the Eurasian and African plates. In the Kechros Complex, which is the lowermost tectonic unit in the East Rhodope, a lense of kyanite eclogite occurs within orthogneiss and common eclogites are found between serpentinized peridotite and underlying pelitic gneisses. In kyanite eclogite, the high-pressure (HP) mineral assemblage is Grt + Omp (Jd35–55) + Ky + Ph + Qz + Rt + (indirectly inferred Tlc + Law); a Na-rich tremolite and zoisite formed at or near peak metamorphic conditions. In common eclogites, the HP mineral assemblage is Grt + Omp (Jd29–41) + Rt and, with less certainty, Amp (Gln-rich + Brs + Wnc + Hbl) ± Czo. The inclusions in garnet are glaucophane, actinolite, barroisite, hornblende, omphacite, clinozoisite, titanite, rutile and rarely paragonite and albite. In kyanite eclogite, peak P–T conditions are constrained at 2.2 GPa and 615°C using garnet–omphacite–phengite geothermobarometry and very similar values of 585 ± 32°C and 2.17 ± 0.11 GPa with the average P–T method, by which conditions of formation could also be narrowed down for the common eclogite (619 ± 53°C and 1.69 ± 0.17 GPa) and for a retrogressed eclogite (534 ± 36°C and 0.77 ± 0.11 GPa). Ages for the HP metamorphism in the Kechros Complex are not yet available. A Rb–Sr white mica age of 37 Ma from orthogneiss records a stage of the exhumation. The HP event may be coeval with the Eocene HP metamorphism (49–55 Ma) recorded in the Nestos Shear Zone in Central Rhodope and in the Attic-Cycladic crystalline belt, where it is interpreted as the result of subduction and final closure of the Axios/Vardar ocean and subsequent subduction of the Apulian continental crust (a promontory of the Africa continent) under the southern margin of the European continent in the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary.