1000 diabetes patients were enrolledfor the study. The subjects were examined for the presence/absence of oral lichen planus and the data was recorded andanalysed.
Out of 1000 diabetic patients 12 (1.2%) werehaving oral lichen planus and 11 patients belonged to type IIdiabetes mellitus. Among the subjects suffering from Type IDiabetes, only one patient was diagnosed of having oral lichenplanus. Out of 12 (1.2%) patients having oral lichen planusfour patients were having high blood pressure suggestingGrinspan’s syndrome (33.3%).
The prevalence of oral lichen planus amongdiabetic patients was found to be 1.2%; additionally somepatients had high blood pressure, that suggests the existenceof Grinspan’s syndrome. Many studies conducted previously, suggest that psychosomatic factors such as stress and anxietyare attributed to lichen planus and therefore the diabeticpatients may get exposed to such factors thereby developingoral lichen planus.