To estimate the prevalence and evaluate the characteristics and severity of restless legs syndrome (RLS) in an urban Brazilian community.
A transversal study was conducted over an 18-month period. A neurologist conducted 1155 interviews using the diagnostic criteria of the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG).
The lifetime prevalence of RLS was found to be 6.40%. Prevalence during the last year, the last month, and the last week were found to be 5.71%, 5.36%, and 4.15%, respectively. A greater proportion of women met diagnostic criteria for RLS compared to men (OR: 2.63, CI 95%: 1.54–4.51). Furthermore, participants with low monthly family income (< 1575USD)hadalowerprevalenceofdiseasecomparedtothosewithahighmonthlyfamilyincome(> 1575 USD)(OR: 2.91, CI 95%: 1.41–5.98).
This is the first epidemiologic study of RLS conducted in a Brazilian population. The overall prevalence of disease and the greater proportion of RLS in women found in this study are similar to the findings of other studies conducted in western countries. The association of RLS with high family income is unpublished and should be confirmed in subsequent studies.