The meaning of “Quality of Life”(QoL) varies from person to person. A person’s perception of the term depends on the situation. This research study makes an attempt to analyse various facets of QoL with respect to Blood cancer victims within the investor community in the area of study. The research includes comprehending the QoL influence on Blood cancer patients in the state of Odisha, India, to decode the opinion differences among people of various age categories. As declared by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Odisha, an average of 50,000 cancer patients is identified resulting in 25,000 deaths in the state every year. This is more than other states with the same population size in the country. Data collection and analysis was conducted by employing three variables; namely, Physical Health, mental health, and socio-economic status on Blood cancer patients to enhance their QoL. Findings of the study revealed the majority of participants believed weakness, insomnia, pain, and psychological disorders were the prominent challenges Blood cancer victims had to overcome. Rural areas of Odisha lack healthcare infrastructure when compared to the urban areas. Moreover, socially and financially weaker respondents are more optimistic regarding treatment and life than their richer counterparts.