The purpose of this work was to idenfify the characterisfics of the quality of life of students of higher medical educafional insfitufions at different stages of their educafion. The paper highlights the evidence-based impact of adjustment disorders on the quality of life of this confingent of individuals. An analysis of verified diagnoses depending on the groups was also presented. The study has been conducted from 2019 to 2020, 154 foreign students took part in it. The research base was Dnipro State Medical University. Depending on the stage of study, 2 groups were formed: the group 1–students of the preparatory department (n= 110), the group 2–students of 1-2 studying courses (n= 44). A semi-structured clinical interview method was used to collect clinical data. The following psychometric methods as the" Quality of life index" according to Mezzich in the adaptafion of NO Maruta (2004)," Mulfidimensional Fafigue Inventory"(MFI-20) by EM Smets et al.(1994)," Integrafive Anxiety Test" developed by AP Bizyuk et al.(2005) and Zung self-rafing depression scale (1965) were used for a detailed analysis and objecfificafion of the data. It was established that the subjects of the group 2 had stafisfically worse results than the subjects of the group 1 on such component of quality of life scale as:" Mental well-being"," Working capacity"," Interpersonal realizafion" and" General percepfion of life" compared to subjects of the group 1. It was also found out that for all manifestafions of adjustment disorders, there was a stafisfically significant negafive correlafion (from moderate to high) with the integrafive quality of life index in both studied groups. That is, a tendency to deepen the psychopathological process during the transifion to the next stage of educafion was revealed, which significantly worsened the quality of life of foreign students of higher medical educafion. Therefore, there is a need to develop prevenfive measures, early diagnosis and correcfion of adjustment disorders in this confingent of persons.