Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. ssp. durum) is one of the top crops in Kazakhstan, where it is cultivated in different ecological niches, mainly at higher latitudes in the steppe zone of the northern region. Therefore, local breeding programs for durum wheat are primarily focused on selection for high productivity in Northern Kazakhstan based on the introduction of promising foreign germplasm and the adoption of marker-assisted selection. In this study, a world tetraploid wheat collection consisted of 184 primitive and domesticated accessions, which were previously genotyped using 16,425 polymorphic SNP markers, was field-tested in Northern and South-eastern Kazakhstan. The field tests have allowed the identification of 80 durum wheat promising lines in Northern Kazakhstan in comparison with a local standard cultivar. Also, GGE (Genotype and Genotype by Environment) biplot analyses for yield performance revealed that accessions of T. dicoccum, T. carthlicum, and T. turanicum also have potential to improve durum wheat yield in the region. The genome-wide association study (GWAS) has allowed the identification of 83 MTAs (marker-trait associations) for heading date, seed maturation time, plant height, spike length, number of fertile spikes, number of kernels per spike, and thousand kernel weight. The comparison of the 83 identified MTAs with those previously reported in GWAS for durum wheat suggests that 38 MTAs are presumably novel, while the co-localization of a large number of MTAs with those previously published confirms the validity of the results of this study. The MTAs reported herewith will provide the opportunity to implement marker-assisted selection in ongoing durum wheat breeding projects targeting higher productivity in the region.