The Randomly deployed wireless sensor nodes form an unpredictable structure. Normally wireless sensor networks are distinguished from conventional networks by their energy constraints and limited computational power. Huge volumes of data are sensed and generated by the sensor nodes when they are deployed in the dynamic environment. Mostly the source and sink nodes are not within each other's transmission range. Congestion occurs when the intermediate nodes forward the data from source to sink. Many of the existing approaches focus on controlling the link level congestions in the network. Our proposed Queue reloading scheme controls the node level congestion. In order to avoid the retransmission of packets, the proposed scheme uses an alternative queue for caching the overflowed packets. The dropped packets are reloaded from the alternative queue when the current queue becomes available. The lifetime of the nodes depend on allocation rate. Our scheme saves the network resources; consuming less energy and aids achievement of improved efficiency and throughput. The node level congestion control is basically needed for WSNs, because the node can be deployed anywhere in the environment.