As of now there are around one billion motorized vehicles all arou creates the need for efficient parking systems. But present parking sys problems such as high operation cost, inefficient management of consuming process of issuing tokens and collecting money. Thus w resolve above stated problems by RFID based automatic parki microcontroller along with sensing circuits monitoring entry and exit o vehicles are allowed entry only when they swipe a valid RFID tag account in central database is maintained corresponding to every val enables us to monitor and store the time of entry and exit of vehicle. Ea will have an IR sensor to monitor whether it is empty or filled and central database and display unit in real time to help guide the cars. A t array of LED lights give the status of parking slots viz green for em filled. This database can also be analysed to find patterns in parking system allows automatic authorization of vehicles. Check handled in a fast manner without having to stop the cars so that traffic ja be avoided during these processes. It will record time in hours for whi using the parking space and compute the money to be deducted from account. Vehicle owners will not have to make any payments at each c faster traffic flow will be possible. These processes allow parking s efficiently and require less personnel to manage the parking. Thus the c the parking system is significantly reduced..