In this work a frequency reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna (RDRA) is studied and designed, the reconfigurability is achieved by using two PIN diodes as switches. The designed antenna operates in the frequencies 1.80 GHz, 2.6 GHz, 3.6 GHz it is also operating on the lower band of 5G (3.4-3.8 GHz), which allows the antenna to be used in various mobile communication devices. The antenna is a compact one its dimensions are 20× 36× 4.8 mm3, The proposed antenna consists of three rectangular shaped Dielectric Resonators DiR1, DiR2 and DiR3 (each with different permittivities and different dimensions) their respected permittivities are 12.85, 1.96 and 12.85 respectively. Two PIN diodes are used as switches and are placed on the microstrip line between the dielectric resonators to guarantee the reconfigurability function. Finally, simulation results are presented and discussed, the results are compared to the reference antenna from the literature for validation and performance measurement purposes. The designed antenna offers a suitable performance level and provides three modes of operation 20%, 12%, and 10%.