ABSTRACT Adults with Asperger‟ s Disorder, despite being of typical intellectual ability, struggle without supports in higher education and the workplace. The following literature review begins by defining the population, specifically the social deficits, restricted and repetitive interests, sensory issues, executive function deficits, and common co-morbid diagnoses of adults with Asperger‟ s. Social rehabilitation should revolve around cognitive behavior therapy, social skills groups, education, and visual assistive technologies that promote generalization of skills. Cognitive rehabilitation should include modifying the client‟ s sensory environment to improve attention and visual cues to promote memory and organization. Finally, implications for rehabilitation and vocational counselors are discussed, including challenges and techniques for promoting success in higher education and in the workplace. Specifically, the importance of forming a therapeutic relationship, providing communication and social supports, and matching the job to the client are highlighted. While this paper reviews interventions and strategies that are generally effective for adults with Asperger‟ s, each client should be considered on an individual basis and receive distinctive services and supports.