Majority of deaf children from hearing families develops limited language skills, which means that they do not master the spoken or sign language on the same level as their peers respectively hearing with hearing parents or deaf with deaf parents. Interpersonal approach in psychology (Stern, 1985, 1995; Zalewska, 1998a) allows to study the language development in children within the frames of the mother--child relationship. Research was focused on the characteristics of the emotional exchange mother-child, referring to the mechanism of verbalization of emotions in the process of self-experience by the hearing mothers and by the deaf youths fluent in Polish spoken language or in Polish sign language. Applied method was the clinical partially structured interview followed by the interview transcript narration analysis. It turns out that: 1) hearing mothers experiencing relationship with a deaf adolescent child do not verbalize emotions, which corresponds with the lack of verbalization of emotions on own deafness in young people; 2) hearing mothers share emotions with the father of a deaf adolescent child which corresponds with the lack of verbalization of emotions regarding deafness in young people.