surface moisture content, this book offers the most up-to-date understanding of the natural
processes of Earth systems and their interactions with man-made activities. Identifying
effective, accurate, and practical methods, it allows researchers to obtain much-needed data
on the soilscape at decreased cost: both reducing the amount of field data collection and
increasing coverage area. An all-inclusive overview of methods and modeling techniques, it …
'Remote Sensing of Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content'of continuous online access to
up-to-date data feeding the map (an improvement on the versions held on the fixed digital
media that immediately supplanted paper). This continues with a consideration of screens
(monitors and mobiles) and their limitations, and dynamic map layouts. As mentioned
before, there is then a thorough investigation of what colour, typography, symbology and
thematic map schemes work in the web and mobile context. The next two chapters of the …