Without a doubt, a majority of diseases are food-pattern-related. However, one disease stands out as an increasingly more common autoimmune-mediated enteropathy triggered by the ingestion of gluten. Celiac disease (CD) is an old disease, with changing clinical patterns, affecting any age, including infancy and adolescence, and becoming more frequent among the elderly. The gluten-free diet (GFD) has been the sole provider of clinical, serological, and histological improvement for patients with CD for more than seven decades. Nowadays, complete avoidance of dietary gluten is rarely possible because of the wide availability of wheat and other processed foods that contain even more gluten, to the detriment of gluten-free products. Undeniably, there is a definite need for replacing the burdensome GFD. An add-on therapy that could control the dietary transgressions and inadvertent gluten consumption that can possibly lead to overt CD should be considered while on GFD. Nevertheless, future drugs should be able to provide patients some freedom to self-manage CD and increase food independence, while actively reducing exposure and mucosal damage and alleviating GI symptoms. Numerous clinical trials assessing different molecules have already been performed with favorable outcomes, and hopefully they will soon be available for patient use.